30 Aug 2024

Will there be the 'Annual September Hiring Surge'?

The Recruitment market certainly has cooled off substantially over the past 12 months. But given the age profile of those in employment we expect a steady attrition of active staff number due to retirement. Younger age cohorts are smaller and it will not be easy to replace the departed professionals and train up the new recruits. So while the absolute numbers of hirings may well be at a lower level compared to historic numbers there will always be demand for high-quality candidates that can make a difference to the business.

29 Aug 2024

Taxes to rise in UK - what should you do?

Taxes will soon be increased on a range of incomes, revenues, in the United Kingdom. So it is incumbent on individuals as well as businesses to prepare for the announcements that are expected this autumn. Temple Associates has a long history of working in the UK and Continental Europe and can help anyone who is considering expanding activities on the Continent or even moving there.