20 Jun 2011

Regulation will atrophy banking industry

The failure of governments and regulators in reforming the global banking systems in any meaningful way is illustrated by news that more examiners will be "embedded" in the banks and securities firms they regulate (Wall Street Journal). I have always warned that a financial system that relies on regulation and not on competition will lead to the creeping takeover of all business decisions by a bureaucratic (and uncontrollable) monster where 'Kommissars' will have to vet any decision made by the business managers. These in turn will become more and more risk averse.

17 Jun 2011

Oppenheim / Deutsche Bank - Haste makes Waste

While it may appear to be a cheap shot to criticise Deutsche Bank's takeover and rescue of Germany's venerable Sal. Oppenheim in the summer of 2009 one aspect of the transaction can definitely be described as representing poor management practice. As this report illustrates, the decision to bid for the bank was made with undue speed and it is clear that proper due diligence would not have been possible. Time may have been of the essence - it always is in rescue bids - but the bidder can only gain from any delay. If the situation the target finds himself in (Merrill Lynch, HBOS, Dresdner Bank) is really dire the value of the asset has only one way to go: Down. Managements of highly rated organisations such as Bankamerica, Deutsche Bank,  Lloyds TSB or Commerzbank should really be aware of this simple fact and all managements in all acquiring companies should never feel under time pressure (real or imagined) - as Terra Firma's Guy Hands found out to his cost when bidding for EMI.

7 Jun 2011

How to prepare for slowdown in investment banking

Predictions of a decline of 16 percent in global investment banking revenues will pose a serious challenge for investment banks and securities dealers. Senior management is still trying to get a handle on all the regulatory changes they are hit with (and no end is in sight) and global markets in equities, commodities and bonds may be at or close to a peak. So the outlook is not rosy as declining markets usually also lead to a decline in market activity. One thing is clear: a stop-and-go management style in all likelihood will fail, hire-and-fire policies have been tried numerous times over the past 20 to 30 years and done nothing but demotivate and demoralise organisations (many of which have sadly disappeared from the industry). Managements are called to get away from 'macro-management' (lots of flip charts, off-site meetings, management consultants) and buckle down to manage the everyday aspects of their businesses, nurture staff - and above all manage the often inflated expectations regarding compensation that their employees might still garner.

25 May 2011

UBS: dramatic appeal by Chief Executive Gruebel

Oswald Gruebel's dramatic appeal to the staff of UBS's US investment banking staff demonstrates the difficulty of managing today's sprawling international banking businesses. Once an operation is - rightly or wrongly - under pressure due to difficult markets or competitive weaknesses it requires near-superhuman skills to put the ship on the right course again. Investment Banking, Securities Dealing and Investment Management are basically simple businesses when one looks at their basic constituents but as I always say: it is not brain surgery, but people - and companies - who want to succeed in these businesses need a blend of a lot of different skills and it is exactly this combination that is the challenge - especially when the 'assets' of the business walk out of the door every evening.

17 May 2011

Good Management must show Empathy

If reports are true that the UBS's chief of investment banking scolded his staff for behaving like spoiled children he may well have said the truth. But if the report is also true with respect to the reaction by staff it highlights one fact: it is not only what you say that counts, it is also important how you say it. Morale - especially in a people business like investment banking - is a fickle thing and it can easily evaporate and hole a company below the water line.

16 May 2011

Bank Austria pays for costly Kazakh mistake

We were concerned about the high price that BA paid for ATF Bank in 2007 and our worries about buying an emerging market bank were proven correct. Regulators in Almaty have asked BA to inject another Euro 198 million. The lesson should be clear: never buy such risky assets in a seller's market.

Not all firms can occupy top position

When a senior executive of UBS admits that the bank may no longer aim for the top spot in the rankings of global investment banks he puts the business on a more sensible and realistic footing.
Aiming for the top may be useful to encourage ambition but it can also be destructive if carried too far. Like in sport, there can only be one winner in business and being number 2, 3 or even 10 does not automatically brand you a failure.

28 Apr 2011

Mitsubishi/Morgan Stanley JV loses big on Derivative Bet

One should have thought that the turmoil of the past few years has led managements in all securities units to batten down the hatches and keep to a strict regime of risk management in all trading activities. That two major participants in the global investment banking business have to book a loss of nearly 1 billion dollars on a trading strategy that went wrong beggars belief. The more things change, the more they seem to stay the same....

6 Apr 2011

Size matters - but not in the way the consultants think

A well-known consultant to private banks recently claimed that smaller (Swiss) Wealth Management Banks face a challenging future. The problem with this one-dimensional view is that size does not have to be a valid variable when drafting a path for the future development of any financial institution. If the small banks have no future, the middle gets squeezed and the big ones are too big, who is going to survive? The consultants have a lot of explaining to do as they can not all be right at the same time. Experience and common sense should be the guide as banks in each of these categories can prosper if they make the right decisions.

8 Mar 2011

Employment Contract: Court Judgement

An interesting document for all those interested in the intricacies and potential pitfalls of employment contracts (Source)