18 Mar 2013

Stalinist Incomes policy - spiteful and arbitrary

The European (Dis?) Union is on the slippery road to serfdom (Hayek) when professional agitators like Sven Giegold (read his CV carefully, you will shudder when you read it!) are given the opportunity to introduce 'laws' that arbitrarily set pay (Financial Times) for a minority of the population that he and his minions want to punish for ideological reasons. It is not possible to argue with these extremists (have a look at what 'Attac' stands for) and the only way to combat the takeover of the pseud-democratic institutions in the EU and the member states is a complete overhaul of the political system based on a radical and comprehensive form of direct democracy safeguarded by a proper bill of rights that bans discriminatory legislation. Those who do not just want to shrug their shoulders or clench their fists in their trouser pockets should contact me and take part in the democratic reform project.

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